Thursday, December 1, 2011

Health Concerns

                Not only are the awful living conditions on factory farms affecting the animals, they can also have a drastic effect on human health as well.  Because of the sheer quantities of animals within confined spaces, waste remains a constant health threat.    “Pathogens” from animal feces are “contaminating water supplies and recreation waters” (“Agriculture”).  “Bacteria” from the runoff water supply of the factory farms, continues to contaminate “rivers and streams”, which infects “wildlife, and animal feeding operations” (“Agriculture”).  This runoff additionally causes diseases to occur in local drinking water as well.  With some of these diseases containing extremely dangerous bacteria and viruses, contaminated water may be fatal to both humans and animals.  
                Unfortunately, factory farms also affect human health in other ways as well.  Because “toxic gases” form in the air from the animal feces, dangerous particles such as “bacteria, fungi, and viruses” become airborne (“Industrial”).   These particles cause significant public health threats.  Among these threats, “respiratory irritation” remains the largest concern especially to those who are elderly and those who have "asthma and other respiratory illnesses” (“Industrial”).   With incredibly disturbing news like this, people need to stand up against this issue, if not for the animals’ well being, for human kinds’.  There is great power in numbers, and who knows, in a few years,  both the welfare of humans and animals may have better health. 

(Image Provided By Google)

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